What is Forest Rangers Association?

We are FRAB (West Bengal Forest Ranger's Association), a prestigious forum dedicated to the forest rangers of Bengal. Our purpose as an organization is to nurture mutual understanding and a sense of brotherhood among all of the organization's members.

Forest Range Officers, Forest Rangers, Range Managers and Range Wildlife Wardens work for the Indian government's State Forest Service (SFS). Green Soldiers and Green Warriors are another name for Forest Range Officers as well as Forest Rangers.

We, as a recognized forest rangers' association, work with the department or the government to find solutions to various problems coming from the service condition, the post's current status, recruitment, promotion, posting, and emoluments, among so many other things.

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The main objectives of our forum is to look after the wellbeing of all our members, raise concerns and the proposals to the government for bringing efficiency in Range administration, to communicate with International and National level Forest Rangers, etc. Our other objectives are -


One of our main objectives is to save the endangered species by raising awareness and taking many steps.


Our aim is to increase awareness about the scarcity of clean water and run various several save water campaigns.


Our aim is to protect environment, conserve natural resources and keep the beauty of the planet.


some facts about us

Forest Rangers' Association, Helping the Community in need

Our association for forest rangers is one of the largest in West Bengal. Our purpose as an organisation is to foster mutual understanding and a sense of brotherhood among all of the organization's members.




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Every Year

Our Members

Our Members are committed to a shared responsibility towards improving the social, environmental and economic sustainability of the forest. Have a look at our members who are at the heart of what we do.

Zonal Committee Members

The central committee shall provide a recommendation for a new committee to the house at the AGM held every other year.

Advisory Bodies

There is only one advisory council that provides guidance to the association's several committees. Know more here.

Executive Committee Members

All EC members will be chosen for a two-year term at the AGM by a majority of not less than 50% of the members present and voting.


Be a member of Forest Ranger's Association, West Bengal

Know more about our members and advisory bodies. Become a member of Forest Ranger's Association, one of the prestigious associations for the forest rangers in West Bengal. Become a member now by filling-up the inquiry form.

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Covid-19 Guidelines


Frequently clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water. When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with a bent elbow or a tissue. Used tissues should be disposed of quickly, and hands should be cleaned on a regular basis. Self-isolate until you recover if you develop symptoms or test positive for COVID-19.

Notice - FRAWB

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