Penalty or Punishment

There are penalty or punishment against any member who would violate any rules of the Association. The rules are mentioned below:



  1. For violation of any rule of the Association, the central committee is empowered to impose a suitable fine to the concerned member after having an undertaking from the concerned member that he or she shall not repeat such act or omission in future.
  2. In case the defaulting member is unwilling to pay the penalty, the central committee is empowered to expulse him from the Association.
  3. In case of serious offences, the central committee is empowered to summarily expulse a member from the Association.

Review Petintion

  1. In case a member is not satisfied with the decision of the central committee under Rule 23. the concerned member can submit a review petition to the central committee.
  2. Central committee on receipt of such petition. shall raise the issue in its next meeting and after having consideration shall give its decision in writing either modifying or upholding the earlier decision
  3. In case the member is still not satisfied with the decision given under clause 2. The concerned member can apply for participation in the next state AGM. The central committee is bound to allow him or participate in the next state IGM. However his or her normal activities as a Association member shall remain suspended till the next AGM.
  4. In the next AGM the concerned member shall be allowed to state his or her case before the house. The decision of the house shall be binding on the concerned member. However the concerned member is still free to approach any Court of Law.