Proceedings, Duties and Responsibilities of Various Committees


Central Committee

  1. The central Committee shall met at least once in every 3 months
  2. It shall review the issues raised at various zonal committee
  3. It shall formulate the policy and action plan for its own and also for the zonal Committees.
  4. It shall issue directive in various zonal committees regarding various action points
  5. It shall monitor the functioning of various zonal committees. For this purpose, it may assign duties to any of its members and/or its sub committees to take part in Zonal activities.
  6. The Central Committee shall have power to purchase and sell property on behalf of the Association. It can authorize the central secretariat or any of its members to purchase and sell property on behalf of the Association

Central Secretarist

  1. It will meet as and when necessary and at least once in every month. In case of urgency the meeting may be held over phone among its members.
  2. It will take up various state level actions as per the guideline of the central
  3. During the intervening period between successive central committee meetings it will run the day to day activities of the association.
  4. In case there is a difference of opinion regarding any decision to be taken by it. The decision shall be taken by majority opinion, which shall be recorded in writing in its minute's book.

some facts about us

Forest Rangers' Association, Helping the Community in need

Our association for forest rangers is one of the largest in West Bengal. Our purpose as an organisation is to foster mutual understanding and a sense of brotherhood among all of the organization's members.




Waiting List


Every Year

Zonal Secretariat

  1. 1t will meet as and when necessary and at least once in every month. In case of urgency the meeting may be held over phone among its members.
  2. It will take up actions for various state level and zone level program as formulated by the central and zonal committees.
  3. It shall report all happening at zone level to the Central Secretariat through the office secretary of the Central Committee.
  4. In case there is a difference of opinion regarding any decision to be taken by it. The decision shall be taken by majority opinion, which shall be recorded in writing in its minute's book.

Zonal Committee

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  1. The Zonal committed shall meet at least once in every 3 months
  2. It shall review the issues raised by various members in the Zone.
  3. It shall formulate the policy and action plan for its own. In doing so it shall be guided by the State level policies and action plan formulated by the central committee.

Editorial Committee

  1. It shall meet as and when necessary
  2. On behalf this subcommittee, the editor shall urge all members of the Association to give write up/articles throughout the year.
  3. He/she shall also collect advertisement for souvenir to be published once in a year
  4. It shall make necessary arrangement for publication of annual news magazine souvenir

North Bengal and South Bengal Sub Committee

  1. These committees will meet as and when necessary as demanded by the Zonal Committees or as directed by the central secretariat/central committee.
  2. These will coordinate among various zones of North and South Bengal respectively,