Formation of various Committees

A committee is elected by the members of a community association to continue the work of the association between general meetings. It is the committee members' responsibility to make sure that decisions taken at it's association's general meeting are acted on during their year in office.


Formation of Central Committee

  1. In the Annual General Meeting held in alternate year the central committee shall place a proposal of a new committee before the house. If the house unanimously accepts the proposal, then such proposed committee shall function as central committee for the succeeding panned of two years.
  2. If any individual or group of individuals is in disagreement with the pro postal placed by the preceding committee. Such individual /individuals shall present before the house alternative proposal proposals.
  3. The house will elect one proposal by a majority voting
  4. All proposals shall propose one committee as a whole and not as a change of one or few i ndividual members only.
  5. President and General Secretary cannot be elected for more than two consecutive terms.

Formation of Zonal Committee

  1. In the Annual General Meeting held in alternate year the central committee shall place a proposal of a new committee before the house. If the house unanimously accepts the proposal, then such proposed committee shall function as central committee for the succeeding panned of two years.
  2. If any individual or group of individuals is in disagreement with the pro postal placed by the preceding committee. Such individual /individuals shall present before the house alternative proposal proposals.
  3. The house will elect one proposal by a majority voting,
  4. All proposals shall propose one committee as a whole and not as a change of one or few i ndividual members only.
  5. President and General Secretary cannot be elected for more than two consecutive terms.

some facts about us

Forest Rangers' Association, Helping the Community in need

Our association for forest rangers is one of the largest in West Bengal. Our purpose as an organisation is to foster mutual understanding and a sense of brotherhood among all of the organization's members.




Waiting List


Every Year

Sub Committees of The Central Committee

Sub Committees of The Zonal Committee

  1. There shall be only one subcommittee of the zonal committee, viz the Zonal Committee Secretariat
  2. Zonal committee secretariat shall comprise of at least two members i.e. the Zonal Secretary and Zonal President. Depending upon the size of the Zone it can include additional members whose number may reach up to a maximum of five members and such additional members is to be decided by the zonal committee.
  3. For helping the activity of Zonal Committee, there shall be District committee comprises of District Secretary/President and other two from its member.
  4. If at any time any zone has membership strength of 3 or less, such zone may be temporally clubbed with any neighbouring zone to be decided by the central Secretariat of central committee