Procedure for Removal and Resignation of Office


Procedure for resignation by any executive members

  1. An executive member of the central committee or the zonal committee an resign from the committee by giving a one months prior notice to the GS/Secretary or in case of the resignation of GS/Secretary to the President. The concerned committee after having a discussion with the concerned member can allow the member to resign. After selecting a suitable replacement from amongst the willing members. In case any executive members resign without any prior notice, the concerned committee may impose suitable penalty on the defaulting member.

Ground Removal

  1. Unsoundness of physical or mental health.
  2. Involvement in any unlawful and immoral activity.
  3. Involvement in activities detrimental to the interest of the Association.
  4. Using the influence of the Association platform to achieve personal gain or to further personal interest
  5. Unwind fullness, and willful negligence of Association activity and non performance of the duties assigned by the authorized committees of the Association.

some facts about us

Forest Rangers' Association, Helping the Community in need

Our association for forest rangers is one of the largest in West Bengal. Our purpose as an organisation is to foster mutual understanding and a sense of brotherhood among all of the organization's members.




Waiting List


Every Year

Procedure For Removal of The President

Any eligible group as defined under Rule can approach the General Secretary in writing with a proposal for removal of the president:

  1. After receiving such a request the General Secretary shall, within a period of 15days, inform all the members of the central committee about the proposal and also request them to attend a special central committee meeting within a period of 45 days.
  2. After receiving the response from the General Secretary, all zonal secretaries shall convene zonal committee meeting to discuss the issue and pass a resolution accepting and rejecting the proposal
  3. The president, after receiving such a response from the General Secretary shall prepare a reply in his/her defence.
  4. In the special central committee meeting the president shall be asked to present his/her reply before the house. After such presentation the members of the central committee may ask him further question. The president may choose to reply those or may remain silent.
  5. After such question and answer session is over, and then the central committee members shall vote for or against the proposal, including the president.
  6. If 75% or more member of the central committee accepts the proposal, then the president shall stand removed.
  7. If acceptance of the proposal is less than 75% but more than 50 %, then the resolution of the zonal committees shall also be looked in to. If more than 50% of the zones favours the proposal, then also the president shall stand removed.
  8. If acceptance of the proposal is less than 50%, then the president shall continue in office.
  9. In absence of the president the vice president shall act as president.
  10. If the vice president is also removed by same procedure, then the next President is to be decided by a General meeting of the Association.

Procedure For The Removal of The General Secretary

  1. An executive member of the central committee can be removed by the central committed by a simple majority voting. The central committee shall also choose a replacement for the removed members at the same time. Any executive member can submit such proposal for removal to the secretary or president of the committee, and upon receipt of such proposal the General Secretary shall arrange for a meeting for voting for or against the proposal.
  2. An executive member of the zonal committee can be removed by the zonal committee by a simple majority voting. The zonal committee shall also choose a replacement for the removed members at the same time. Any executive member can submit such proposal for removal to the secretary or president of the committee and upon receipt of such proposal the secretary (or in case of removal of secretary, the president) shall arrange for a meeting for voting for or against the proposal