Management of Fund and Account Procedure


Raising Funds

I) Fund may be raised from international/national organization like WWF/WTI/WII/Wildlife SOS/IRF/RFA/WCB/Traffic/Green Thin Layers Association/ or any Government authorized organization for the betterment of Forest Rangers of the state in terms of providing training of Forest Range Officers, supplying light motor vehicles, wild animals rescuing instruments, self protection instruments, establishing high quality Forest Education Research Training and Extension centre, helping family of forest martyrs, giving scholarship to the meritorious child of forest martyrs, medical help to victim Forest Officer

II) Fund may be raised from bonafide members as advertisement and to publish it at Association souvenir, published time to time.

Things To Know About Bank:

  1. All transaction of Association should be operated through Banks
  2. The Central Committee and all Zonal Committees shall have their own bank accounts in Nationalized Bank.
  3. All payments made against any expenditure shall be net-banking or by cheque or paytm.

Collection of Fund

  1. Entry/registration fees, annual fee, magazine/souvenir fee, zonal AGM fee, State AGM feethese fees shall be considered as regular fees.
  2. Beside these regular fees the central committee is authorized to collect other fees such as relief fund, fund for special social activities etc. These shall be considered as special fees.
  3. Zonal committees on their own shall not impose any special fee on its members. In case there is a special ground for doing so, such committee /committees shall take prior permission from the central secretariat, which shall post facto be approved in central committee meeting.
  4. Only zonal treasurer are authorized to receive fund from the members of the Association. All Zonal treasurers shall keep all circulars etc of the central committee regarding collection of regular and special fees which they shall produce before any members of the Association on demand. After receiving fees they shall issue money receipt/coupon etc to the members immediately
  5. Collection of donation from any International /National organization/Company/Bank/Government Institution must follow the Central/State Government guideline.

Sharing of Fund

Sharing of Fund shall be as per the following chart:

Sl No. Name of Fee Share of Zonal Committee Share of Central Committee
1 Registration Fee 50% 50%
2 Annual Fee 60% 40%
3 Magazine Fee NIL 100%
4 Zonal AGM Fee 100% NIL
5 State AGM Fee NIL 100%
6 Delegate Fee NIL 100%

Accounting Procedure

An accounting procedure is a standardized process that is used to perform a function within the accounting department. Examples of accounting procedures are: Issue billings to customers. Pay invoices from suppliers. Calculate payroll for employees.

Zonal Committee

  1. The treasurer of the zonal committee shall deposit all collection to the Zonal Bank Account within the month. In the cash book the Receipt shoold be entered with head wise beak-up of central and zonal committee share.
  2. All expenditure items of the Zones also shall be charged within the month in the cash book
  3. At the time of closing of monthly account the Treasurer shall calculate the amount of Central Committee share head wise and deposit the total amount to the Central Account by Cheque/Cash. The Central Committee and all Zonal Committees shall have their own bank accounts in State Bank.
  4. Expenditure of the Zonal committee shall ordinarily be kept bellow the receipt amount under the Zone head. However if in a particular month the expenditure exceeds the collection the excess amount may be adjusted with the receipt under central committee head. Such excess expenditure shall be shown as deficit in the zonal share which shall be made good in the following month.
  5. All account shall be audited annually by any member of the Association outside the zonal committee.

Central Committee

  1. The treasurer of the central committee shall open the cash book by entering all receipts from zonal committees during the preceding month.
  2. All expenditure items of the Central committee also shall be charged within the month in the cashbook.
  3. Expenditure of the central committee shall ordinarily be kept bellow the receipt amount under the central head. However if in a particular month the expenditure exceeds the collection the excess amount may be adjusted by taking loan from individual members. Such excess expenditure shall be shown as deficit in the central share which shall be made good in the following month.
  4. All account shall be audited annually by any member of the Association outside the zonal committee or by a Charted Accountant.