About Us

We Are There For Each Other

As an association our mission is to create an environment for mutual understanding and a sense of brotherhood amongst all the members of the association.And also to co-ordinate with the department or the government for finding out solution rgarding various grievances arising out of the service condition, exsiting status of the post, recruitment, promotion, posting and emoluments etc. Establishing the Forest education, research, extension and training centre for Forest Officers National and International level, for that association raises fund from National and International organization.

Annual General Meeting

AGM will be held once a year where all the members will be present. The venue of next AGM will be decided in the current AGM only or afterward by the central committee. The specially invited members will also attend and make their opinion but it will not be binding to house. The AGM may be called once in a year or at any time by the President/General Secretary if one third members so desires and by 15 days notice. The quorum will be 50% of total membership.

Amendmet of The Constitution

Amendment can be made to the constitution of FOREST RANGER'S ASSOCIATION, WEST BENGAL in a GENERAL MEETING called with at least one month prior notice and an amendment can come into force only if at least two third members present and voting in favour of the motion. After it is signed by the President the amendment can come into effect.


some facts about us

Forest Rangers' Association, Helping the Community in need

Our association for forest rangers is one of the largest in West Bengal. Our purpose as an organisation is to foster mutual understanding and a sense of brotherhood among all of the organization's members.




Waiting List


Every Year


Persistence Makes All The Difference

  1. To look after the welfare of all the members
  2. To co-ordinate with the department or the government for finding out solution regarding various grievances arising out of the service condition, existing status of the post, recruitment, promotion, posting and emoluments etc.
  3. To advise/make proposal to the department or government time to time for bringing efficiency in Range administration or to incorporate innovative ideas for better discharge of executive duties.
  4. To strive for maintenance of dignity and self respect of all the members
  5. To extend all possible help to the citizen during natural calamities or during exigencies.
  6. To create an environment for mutual understanding and a sense of brotherhood amongst all the members
  7. To communicate with International and National level Forest Rangers Federation/Association and to eliminate any kind of disparity existing amongst Forest Rangers cadre of the states and keep at par with them.
  8. To establish the Forest education, research, extension and training centre for Forest Officers National and International level, for that Association raises fund from national and international organization.

Proceedings, Duties and Responsibilities of Zonal Committee

Helping the community in need

  1. The Zonal committed shall meet at least once in every 3 months
  2. It shall review the issues raised by various members in the Zone.
  3. It shall formulate the policy and action plan for its own. In doing so it shall be guided by the State level policies and action plan formulated by the central committee.