
There shall be one be one advisory council to advice different committees of the Association and Amendment rules which sh all be passed by a state AGM.


Amendment of Rules

  1. All amendments to the Rules of the Association shall have to be passed by a State AGM.
  2. In case there is a need for urgent amendment, the General Secretary after having authorized by the central committee shall issue a circular to all zonal secretaries stating the details of the proposed amendment. The Zonal secretary in turn, shall circulate that circular among all the members of the zone. The members shall give their consent or dissent in writing. All such circulars shall have to pass back to GS, who shall count the vote and present it before the central committee, which shall then provisionally declare the amendment. Such provisional amendment shall have to be formally passed in the next state AGM.

Advisory Council

As mentioned above there shall be one advisory council to advice different committees of The Association.

  1. Retired FROs, Promoted ACFs, Ex General Secretaries and Presidents.
  2. Representative of Forest Rangers Associations of other States can be member of such advisory council.
  3. The expenses related with the meetings of advisory council shall have to bear by the central committee
  4. Any committee or subcommittee of the Association shall not be bound by the advice given by such council.